Friday, 4 January 2013

Psychic predictions for 2013... a test!

What's the greatest thing about a new year?

Why, psychic predictions for the year ahead, of course!

This sort of thing has always interested me, because I always want to know how many are usually right. If 80% of a psychic's predictions are right, I'd say they were doing a good job.

When I came up with the idea of doing this blog, I bought Chat It's Fate magazine annual from Sainsbury's. (For those that don't know, it's a spin-off from Chat magazine and is all about horoscopes, spells, mediumship, etc...)

It has a great feature in there called "How did you know that?"

Basically, "top reality TV psychic" Dean "Midas" Maynard (no, I've not heard of him either) has come up with what he predicts will happen in 2013.

I thought I'd put it up on here so we can all have a look at the end of 2013 and be amazed or... unimpressed.

So, here goes the predictions of Dean "Midas" Maynard...


  • A top new gadget launched this year takes over the world and hits Apple sales hard.
  • Growth will finally show signs of recovering, and jobs gains will finally outweigh job losses.
  • We finally get the summer we deserve this year, with long spells of hot weather.
  • The hot weather sadly has a downside, as much of the country is given hosepipe bans.
  • If you want Lotto success in 2013, stick to these numbers: 13, 15, 21, 40 and use your psychic sense for the other two. (I've bagged this one...)
  • A serious crash on the M4 will tragically see a few people lose their lives.
  • The snow will return with a vengeance before Christmas, causing traffic chaos for holiday travellers.
  • By the end of this year, Labour will be back in power. (I seriously can't see how this will happen seeing as the next General Election isn't until 2015...)


  • Girl's Aloud reunion starts well, but by the end of 2013, the girls call it a day... again.
  • Glastonbury returns with record crowds, and for once it's dry.
  • The Jam, fronted by Paul Weller, returns for a one-off show.
  • Take That announces summer gigs, which sell out in minutes.
  • The Spice Girls reform, but get outsold by The X Factor 2011 winners Little Mix.
  • Adele announces the release details of her third album, and pre-sales guarantee a third Number One.
  • UK pop stars One Direction cause a sensation at the box office with their debut film. Their second album also hits the top spot, both here and in the US. (Um... I think this psychic needs to check his facts. 1D's second album Take Me Home was released in November 2012 and was Number One in the UK and the US. Old news...)


  • Beyonce and Jay Z look forward to a second addition to their family.
  • Kate and William will also join the baby club in 2013. (Hmm. Funny how they announced they were expecting a baby at the start of December 2012.)
  • Katie Price's TV career looks in tatters as another show fails.
  • A 60s heart-throb makes a remarkable return on Strictly Come Dancing.
  • Cheryl Cole announces her engagement.
  • Rihanna wins FHM's sexiest woman, taking the crown from Tulisa.


  • Heartbeat will make a welcome return to our screens.
  • Legendary ghost show Most Haunted returns to our screens, and loads of other paranormal shows launch in competition.
  • An old 1980s American favourite returns, relighting the nostalgia touch paper. (Touch paper? Not sure what that means...)
  • A sinister new figure helps Coronation Street hit the headlines, causing ratings to hit the viewing figures of old.
  • Comedies will be the most talked about shows as crime dramas take a back seat.
  • Britain's Got Talent calls it a day this year, alongside The X Factor.
  • The Voice also announces that it will finish after just two series.


  • A tornado will hit America, causing damage on a scale like we have never seen before.
  • The world's economic positions starts to show shoots of recovery around April.
  • A record Euro Lottery will have Europe in a spin, and will go to someone in Wales.
  • The Afghan withdrawal of British soldiers is moved forward - nearly all of the soldiers will be out by the end of 2013.
  • As petrol gets more pricey, electric car sales soar by 50% during 2013.
  • The world will not end in 2013.


  • England will draw the Ashes series and retain the trophy.
  • Wales win the Six Nations in a close-fought contest with England.
  • The Grand National will be won by a horse with a tropical name.
  • Man City will continue to rule the Premiership by claiming the title again.
  • Phil Taylor, the multiple darts champion, announces his retirement this year.
  • A non-league team makes it to the quarter finals of the FA Cup.
  • Man Utd will lift the FA Cup.
  • Chris Eubank Jnr will take the Middleweight title after only a handful of professional fights.
  • A complete underdog storms through Wimbledon, only losing in the semi-finals.
I'll check back on these at the end of 2013 and see how many have come true...

I will keep scouring the internet for more psychic predictions for 2013, so this page will be updated very, very soon!

So many horoscopes... and not one spot on!

Today has not been a good day at all.

I woke up in a foul mood and have been short with everyone who speaks to me. I snapped at my best friend for the most ridiculous reason and thus she has been annoyed at me all day. I have felt so out of my body all day that it's ridiculous.

In my previous posts, I talked about my attempt at quitting smoking. Well... today I caved. So pissed off at being in a bad mood, I went out and bought some tobacco. And smoked. It's stupid. I immediately regretted it afterwards but I've got no willpower at all.

Tonight I rang my doctors and booked an appointment with a Fresh Start specialist. It consists of weekly appointments at my GP surgery with support and free nicotine patches. I will quit smoking one day! If you have any tips, please comment and let me know!

I wanted to find a way to make this day better, so instead of reading one horoscope today, I read six. Yes, that's right, six. I thought maybe I could whittle it down and make my favourite one the horoscope for today.

Alas, most of them are shit and didn't make sense for me today. Here are a few to whet your appetite...

The Sun (My "favourite", Mystic Meg)

Better ways to deal with money, and take the first step to making your life what you know it could be, makes this a turning-point day. The moon visits the psychic sector of your chart, so you just have to think of a name to draw a special someone closer. Luck texts at 8pm.
Today has not been a turning point with regards to money. Nor did I get a text at 8pm.

The diligent way in which you approach issues may have already got you noticed. However, it's possible that there is now some confusion about the hours you have worked and the value to be placed on them. It may be that you are expecting greater reward than will actually be the case. Someone born under Cancer and who is relatively new to the scene may not yet understand the role you have played.
My boyfriend is a Cancer. We've been together two years, so he isn't "new to the scene" as it were. However, he has just moved back to Derby from Plymouth. I just asked him if he understood the roles I have played (girlfriend, housemate, sub-editor at the newspaper where we both work) - he says yes. Damn.


Your best friend, lover, or business partner could come into some extra money and share the wealth with you. This is a wonderful opportunity to launch a home improvement project. Renovating a kitchen or bathroom will take time, but you'll be very pleased with the results. You could save money by shopping for salvaged materials. A resourceful person like you enjoys finding practical uses for cast off tiles, sinks, and light fixtures. Are you in the market for buying a place? Fill out a loan application.
I WISH my best friend or my boyfriend had come into extra money today. Oh, how I wish. To be fair, my best friend did offer to lend me some money earlier. I'm definitely not looking to launch home improvement plans at the moment - mainly because we live in a rented house and the landlord would go barmy if I renovated. I did, however, tidy up the living room earlier and took down some Christmas decorations... does that count? Oh and, no, Yahoo, I am most certainly not in the market for buying a place. As with most 20-somethings in the UK at the moment, I probably won't be able to afford that luxury for, um... 15 years.

As you can see, the above horoscopes are ridiculous. The only one I could sort of relate to would be this one...


Something is slipping away from you -- but that's no reason to give up! You may be able to snag it or at least get a clue so you can follow up on it at a later date. Things should make more sense pretty soon.

Do you know what was slipping away from me today? My willpower to quit smoking. I really do hope things make sense pretty soon.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

The verdict on today's horoscope from Mystic Meg

Seeing as it's nearly the end of the day, I was planning on posting an update on Mystic Meg's stars for me today. It would have gone something like this:

Oh Meg, you really are a pile of crap, aren't you?! Your horoscope did NOTHING for me today. NOWT, you hear me?!

But I guess something sort of came true.

She told me "luck travels north".

About 20 minutes ago, I went to a petrol station NORTH of Derby city centre, bought a scratch card on a whim and won £4.

Meg, you have slightly got it right - but only because I'm clutching at straws.

Must come up with a new year resolution!

I've gone for Mystic Meg again today.

Yes I know, I should be spreading my wings a little more and trying different horoscopes, but Meg's are just so short and TO THE POINT. There's no messing around with Meggy Meg.

So here we are...

Your mind is switched on, you know exactly what you want to achieve in the year ahead and Pluto ensures the resolutions you make today have the dash of daring that’s right for you.
In your love life, trust takes a relationship forward.
Luck travels North.
First of all, I have not made a new year resolutions today - I did all that on December 31 (quit smoking being the main one). But because Meg tells me to, I will attempt to make a resolution today. One with a "dash of daring" (who knows what that means, anyway?).

Here it goes:

I will start running in 2013.

That's daring for me. I hate running - can't do it for any more than five seconds. I'll dare myself to train for a marathon. Yes, that's pretty frightening.

Regarding my love life, I have never felt any need to not trust my boyfriend. But, um... thanks Meg. I'll bear that in mind should he say anything out of the ordinary to me before the end of the day.

And luck travels north? Hmm. In about an hour I have to travel from the office to a hospital appointment - but after looking it up on Google maps, it appears the hospital is going to south of the city. Damn. So probably no luck for me at hospital then.

But perhaps driving back from the hospital? Who knows. Watch this space.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Tarot reading to kick start 2013

So here we are, it's New Year's Day. Without meaning to sound miserable, I'm glad to see the back of 2012 and now looking forward to making the most of 2013 (see my first post about why I did not enjoy last year!). Fresh start and all that.

I've literally had a fresh start today as I've quit smoking. I had my last cigarette at 11.50pm last night, then I threw all my smoking gear in a bin and proudly took a photo of it. Right now, I'm puffing away on an e-cigarette and trying to ignore the rising irritability inside me and my aching muscles. Therefore, I apologise if my writing this evening comes across as snappy. That's how I feel today...

My best friend/housemate Ella read my Tarot this evening to help guide me through the first few weeks of the year. Tarot reading might make you think of an old lady with a scary face sitting in a darkened room. This wasn't the case for me. It was done in the bright lights of my living room while sitting on the floor.

I never know what to make of Tarot. At the end of the day, it's just cards pulled at random which are meant to tell you about yourself and your future. Nonetheless, I wanted to hear what the Tarot had to say to me on January 1, 2013.

So here's my reading:

7 of Staves (upside down) - Too many obstacles in my life at the moment. (The quitting smoking.) I have to try sorting out the worst of my problems now (the smoking) and leave new decisions for another time. There will be a puzzling or embarrassing situation in the future. 
The Fool - Fresh start or discovery of talents I didn't know I had. The card represents a person setting out into new a future, perhaps a chance to start again. (Being a non-smoker.) A new door is opening and there are new challenges to take advantage of. I must not be rash or rush into a new situation. Use willpower. 
9 of Cups (upside down) - This card shows satisfaction is to come but there may be slight touch of irritation. (Nicotine withdrawal.) Any problems should be sorted out soon. 
9 of Coins - Money and success is on the way. Domestic matters will go well. 
Strength (upside down) - Warning of continued health problems. Someone is drained of energy or hope. There is a possibility an enemy will gain ascendency over me. I may have to postpone or abandon plans. This card is a warning that underhanded behaviour will land me in trouble... 
8 of Cups (upside down) - There is a definite end to a rotten situation. There should be some joy and fun ahead.

Tarot can be a bit vague. I'm going to relate most of it to the quitting smoking. Overall, it's not a bad reading - no devils or death.

I'm going to take heed of some of the advice given in the Tarot - why not? I've got nothing to lose.

As part of this blog, I'm going to try and be a bit more welcoming towards the supernatural etc... and so tonight Ella said she wanted to rinse our house of negative energy by "clapping out the corners". It's a Pagan tradition and involves holding a candle in each corner of every room in the house, ring a bell, clap your hands and say, "May light shine in to every corner of this house." It took a while to do every corner and my hands hurt from clapping. Admittedly, had we been covertly filmed doing this, we would be thrown in the back of a van wearing straitjackets.

It's a small price to pay to make our house full of positive energy, I suppose.

I've also paid attention to a New Year's Day superstition - I did my clothes washing last night so I didn't wash anything on January 1. Doing so brings bad luck, apparently...